Altair software is used across industries to solve a broad range of electromagnetic problems from static to low and high frequencies. Whether your application requires multiple frequency and time-domain techniques with true hybridization to enable efficient exploration of a broad spectrum of electromagnetic performance, or the simulation of magneto static, steady-state and transient conditions, we have the tools you need.

Wireless Connectivity
Altair® Feko® is the leading tool for antenna design, placement and coupling, virtual test drives and flights, radio frequency interference, radar and radio coverage and planning, and spectrum management. Feko uniquely combines installed antenna performance with wireless coverage analysis, and its hybridized and parallelized solvers handle complex and electrically large analysis problems. Additionally, Feko offers specialized wave propagation technologies and models through its Altair® WinProp™ and Altair® WRAP™ capabilities. WinProp is especially useful for detailed, urban, and indoor radio-coverage planning, network roll-out, and comparative design deployment needed for heterogeneous outdoor-indoor scenarios. WRAP supports network coverage, planning, colocation, and interference analysis and frequency administration over large regions spanning land, sea, and air for a variety of disciplines including defense, civil aviation, public safety, and more.
Wireless Connectivity
Altair® Flux® models even the most complex electromechanical systems with proven accuracy. It provides multiphysics capabilities – magneto static, steady-state, and transient conditions, along with electrical and thermal properties – to optimize machine performance, efficiency, dimensions, cost, and weight, and it is used to develop sensors and actuators, in addition to high-power electrical equipment including transformers, insulator, power bars, and circuit breakers. Electric rotating machines can be quickly developed in Altair® FluxMotor®. Then, with the power of the Flux solver available within Altair® SimLab®, Altair’s process-oriented multidisciplinary environment, users can run a selection of tests, try different configuration, compare results, and optimize performance all within an intuitive user experience.

RCS and Radomes
Feko facilitates comprehensive performance analysis across various electrical sizes and industries. It addresses radar cross-sections (RCS) in automotive, energy, communications, and defense sectors. By leveraging integrated solvers, Feko accurately assesses the complex multiphysics problems posed by radomes. These structures not only protect antennas but also enhance aerodynamic efficiency and ensure desired electromagnetic transparency.

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) have become key topics with the proliferation of connected devices, both for component integration and satisfying EMC regulatory requirements. Flux can evaluate the magnetic field radiated by power cables and busbars, and the effect of external fields on the operation of sensors or actuators. Feko can simulate the radiation and irradiation of cables, antennas, and devices to inform the design of effective shielding.

Radiation Hazard and Bio-EM
Humans are exposed almost everywhere to electromagnetic fields, which at sufficiently high-power levels can adversely affect health. Due to technical advancements new field sources are constantly being added in the environment and for electronic devices compliance with the legal regulations must be verified. Feko is used across industries to evaluate and provide insight into the interaction of electromagnetic fields inside or close to the body considering compliance with regulations that limit the absorption rates, including SAR